Wednesday, June 03, 2015

It's all about the coffee

Oh honey, it's not about you
It was such a beautiful day outside
And I switched to iced coffee.

I would hold the mug in my hands,
it's warmth seeping through my fingers
And dream about a thousand things
Smiling about the now
Not remembering the then.
But it was sunny outside
So no mug, just plastic
And the ice has no warmth to give
No excuses.

Aren't you cute with your puppy eyes?
And we don't have anything to talk about
Waiting in line for our coffee.

What do you see in me?
I'm fun, bubbly, excitable, exciting?
Interesting, yes.
But you know there's more to it
I don't nurse the darkness inside any more
It may have fled even, maybe
While I was too busy living.
But you give me ideas
Behind the steam of freshly made coffee
they thrive.

Or they would have
But no steam, just sobering ice
So we walk our separate ways.

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